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Dave Tenedorio

Updated: Jan 25

House Of Warriors

Student Manual

The Official Handbook of the CSD KICKBOXING System

Thank you for joining. We are Happy to be part of your journey in the Martial Arts.

The Martial Arts is an incredible experience that can have profound effects in allaspects of our lives. 

Enjoy It, Live it and be proud of it!



Dustie Johns - Jo Kyo Nim – for her continued dedication to Martial Arts & The CSD Kickboxing system

Zion Johns - For your years of training & assitance with instruction of our students

Black Belts (Yu Dan Ja) – For being the example needed for our Kwan Won (students)

Volunteers– for your invaluable help in our events and spreading the word about Choong Shim Do.

The students of Choong Shim Do-for being the inspiration to all instructors to keep improving and providing quality instruction

The Warriors Way students- for consistent hard work and dedication to the promotion of Choong Shim Do at its highest levels

The Families of  Students: Your dedication is important in your loved ones development


Dear New Student,

Thank you for joining The House Of Warriors & The CSD KICKBOXING SYSTEM

The Martial Arts are a Journey that has many purposes for people. Some join for health reasons, discipline, personal development.

(instill good values such as: (respect, dedication or team building skills) be in a good social atmosphere or self Defense. 

Whatever your reasons for becoming part of our academy you chose us and we thank you for deciding to become part of our academy.

Moo Do (Martial Path) is journey that requires a lifetime to perfect. We can not be perfect as Human beings, but we can strive to be better than we already are. 

These are the words of Grand Master Hwang Kee (11/09/1914- 07/12/2002). This aspect is our training is called Kyom Son (humility). 

A martial Arts student is a humble person that can accept that there may be areas of improvement in all aspects of our training. While we try to perfect ourselves, there is room for improvement.

When you come to your class remember three things:

#1) Commit to your training

#2) Respect your training

#3) Embrace what your training has taught you.

These three tenets are very useful, as they prepare you for your training. Train hard, train well and as always enjoy the journey you have chosen to embark.


In Moo Do Shim Gung (Martial Spirit),

David B. Tenedorio


What is the Choong Shim Do/CSD KICKBOXING?

Choong Shim Do (The way of Balance) is a composite system of Hard (weh ga ryu) and  Soft (neh Ga ryu) Martial Arts. Choong Shim Do is a Korean based Martial art system founded in America. 

It draws its influences from various Disciplines (Yudo/YuSul, Tang Soo Do, Escrima, Western Boxing & Portuguese Jogo Do Pau). Utilizing many kicking and sweeping techniques (Korean Influence),

Close Quarter Fighting techniques (Western Boxing/Escrima influence), 

Multiple attacker strategies (Jogo Do Pau influence) 

and the direct effective Hard techniques (southern Chinese Influence)

Choong Shim Do (CSD KICKBOXING) Is a Balanced Martial Art as its name states.

The Main Martial Lineage of Choong Shim Do is through Hwang Kee (11/09/1914-07/09/2002) The founder of the Moo Duk Kwan (School of Martial Virtue founded 11/09/1945. 

Hwang Kee was a Martial Arts Prodigy at an early age and began to mimic the movements of Tae Kyun (Korean form of Martial arts that is primarily kicking, not related to Tae Kwon Do). 

By the age of 21 Hwang Kee was considered a Master of Tae Kyun and soon ventured to train in China in 1935, due to the Japanese occupation.

When the Japanese were defeated at the end of World War II, Kwan Jang NIm Hwang Kee returned to Seoul Korea to teach his Blend of Korean and Chinese Martial Arts. He named his school Moo Duk Kwan School of Martial Virtue.


What is the Choong Shim Do/CSD KICKBOXING? Continued

Choong Shim Do in essence is a Modern Martial Art based off the Martial principles and philosophies of Hwang Kee Kwan Jang Nim. It is not a violent system but a system based on science and common reactions to common everyday attacks. It is a modern system. 

Hwang Kee was the first Martial Artist to use Physics to explain the mechanics of movement and power generation. Like all Martial Arts Based off Hwan Kee’s principles (Soo Bahk Do, Tang Soo Do & Choong Shim Do) our movements are based off of the twisting/torque of the hip.

Due to this innovation the Choong Shim Do kwan won (student) Uses the entire natural movement of their body to perform their techniques.

Choong Shim Do is about enhancing and enriching the practitioner’s life through Physical training (Weh gung), a better understanding of their internal body (neh gung) and bringing out the attitude (shim gung) needed to overcome the many obstacles in life. In other words we seek balance in all we do.

Note: As of 2019 The system was re-branded to the CSD kickboxing system. This was due to the evolution of our art as it became more modern.


Dave Tenedorio Founder of the CSD KICKBOXING SYSTEM

Starting as a young boy, Dave Tenedorio began his training on November 9th, 1989 at the legendary House Of Warriors in Homestead, FL. 

He excelled under the training of his first master, Master William Johns and developed a deep love and appreciation for the Korean Martial Arts form of Tang Soo Do.

In 1992, Hurricane Andrew destroyed the House Of Warriors. Dave continued on with his training and furthered his skills earning his Black Belt in Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan in February of 1993.

Coninuing in his first art, Dave Tenedorio ranked at higher levels of black belt through out his 20 year tenure in Tang Soo Do/Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan. His highest Rank Achieved was O Dan (5th Degree Black Belt) in their system.

He coninued to further his Martial Arts education and practiced specific Martial Arts, that he felt would benefit his students on a physical & mental level.


Dave Tenedorio Founder of the  CSD KICKBOXING SYSTEM (continued)

These Arts Include:

Kali/Escrima (Filipino Stick/Knife)

Grappling/Ground Defense

Western Boxing

Jogo Do Pau (Portuguese staff)

Each of these arts had a influence with Master Dave & have contibuted to his success. This led him to eventually break away from the Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation and teach independantly.

He felt that organizations hinder creativity and eventually become stale with lack of innovation.

In 2008 Dave Tenedorio formed the Choong Shim Do Martial Arts Association and the CSD Kickboxing system.

This has led Master Dave to continue to eveolve our system and led many studios to affiliate under him and use his curriculum and teaching methods.


What is the Choong Shim Do Martial Arts Association?

The Choong Shim Do Martial Arts Association is an organization that believes in serving its members through the Martial Art system of CSD KICKBOXING, by providing members with educational materials, high quality instruction and the most innovative modern curriculum available, while still instilling the values of traditional Martial Arts.

What does being a member mean to you?

• Certification of Gup (Under Dan Ranks)

• Receive Official certificates

• Have access to curriculum videos and publications

• Ability to attend Choong Shim Do Sponsored Seminars and events

• Ability to attend events and seminars sponsored by partners of the Choong Shim Do Martial Arts Association.

• Eligibility to advance to the Dan (black Belt) ranks


Association Logo


The center red and blue circular symbol that represents

the dual forces of nature. Yang (red) represents fire and

the aggressive side of nature. Um (blue) represents

water and the passive side of nature


The Chinese character in the center of the logo is

pronounced Moo In Korean and translates to stop

conflict or “military”. This shows the true nature of

Martial Arts, to stop conflict from outside and from within



On the top of the logo are the Hangul (Korean

characters). From left To right they read Choong Shim

Do Moo Sul Hoi (Way of Balance) Martial Arts



Studio Logo


The center the fist represents hard work. It also states an intent for training in protection. It is a symbol for justice and strength.


The Chinese character in the corner of the logo is

pronounced Moo In Korean and translates to stop

conflict or “military”. This shows the true nature of

Martial Arts, to stop conflict from outside and from within


Red swirl

Red represents fire or perseverance. The brush style swirl shows we are training in a continuous circle.


Hanja is the Korean term for the Chinese Calligraphy used in many Martial Arts systems. Hanja is one of the oldest forms of written language.


DoBok (Uniform)

The Korean words "Do Bok" literally means "Way Clothing" or basically, the clothing you wear to practice the Way, and in our case, the Way of Balance – the CSD KICKBOXING  system.

The Top (tshirt) is called the “Sang bok” and is better to allow students to practice self-defense techniques and weapons training without rolling up the sleeves.

The Pants or Shorts are called the “Ha bok” and are traditionally wider than a standard “Karate” pants to allow your legs to move freely when kicking or moving. There are a few different styles of uniform in the CSD KICKBOXING System. 

Long T’s for formal events.  Demonstration uniforms for presentations. We use the color black to signify long term goals and work ethic.


DI (Belt)

Di is the Korean word for Belt. Originally a belt was used to just keep the uniform together. Over time different color ranks were added to distinguish the expertise of a student. 

Students wearing white belt through red are called Gups (novices) those wearing Black are called Dans (advanced students). 

Martial Arts belts should only be worn around the waist or folded properly and held in your hand or hanging with the uniform on a clothes hanger. 

You should not drag your belt, allow it to touch the ground, or wear it anywhere but your waist (do not sling it over your shoulder or around your neck, for example.)


CSD KICKBOXING Stripe & Belt evaluation System

Testing for new belt levels are dependant on age, curriculum & program

General testing is quarterly (every 3 months)

Time requirements increases as you progress in rank

Red belts every 6months

The House Of Warriors only conducts four gup (under black belt) tests per year, and only one Dan (black Belt) grading per year.

During a Gup Members journey, they need to be evaluated along the way before their next belt. 

Master Dave Tenedorio (doju) Majored in Health education and believes in constant evaluations. (before your belt exam) consider it like pop quizzes. Instead of a traditional model of testing at the end of your 3 month cycle, which can lead to improper results and lower success rate.

Master Dave & staff prefer to evaluate every few weeks (stripe evaluation) using a color

coordinated system to identify strengths and address weaknesses.


CSD KICKBOXING Stripe & Belt Evaluation System Continued

Little Warriors Ages 5-6 stripe evaluation

During our Quarterly teaching block, Little warriros are evaluated every 2 weeks for a skill stripe. Each stripe is color coordinated and relate to a Character Value


 Try new techniques and face challenges bravely, even if they feel a little scared.


good behavior, attentiveness, and following instructions during classes.


show respect to their instructors, fellow students, and the martial arts tradition.


understanding the importance of working together during group activities.


Not giving up, even when a task becomes difficult.


truthfulness in actions and words, both in and out of the studio.


Being kind and helpful to others, showing empathy


manage emotions and actions, especially in situations where they might feel frustrated

Week 9 FOCUS

Concentration and attention to detail during training sessions.


appreciation for their instructors, the opportunity to learn, and the support of their family and friends.

All Little Warrior students are evealuated weekly for their skill  stripe during our current block (3 months). They are evaluated on the curriculum they have learned currently on class. Once they earn their 10 stripes, They are evaluated for their next belt. If they have demonstrated acceptable knowledge, they are then submitted for promotion.


CSD KICKBOXING Stripe & Belt evaluation System Continued

Little Warriors Ages 5-6 Belt System


CSD KICKBOXING Stripe & Belt evaluation System

Warriors Ages 7-up 

Week 3  Hand & Foot Techniques

Week 6  Combos/sparring/sticks

Week 9  Escapes/Grappling

Warrior students are evealuated per 3 week cylce during our current block (3 months). They are evaluated on the curriculum they have learned during that 3 week section of that block. Once they earn their 3 stripes, They qualify to evaluated for their next belt. If they have demonstrated acceptable knowledge, they are then submitted for testing & then  promotion.

The minimum Attendance/training belt requirements between belts are 3 months (24 classes) per belt. Except Red belts, the minimum is 6 months (48 classes) per exam. Once a student reaches final Red Belt (1st gup) They will go through a 1 year evaluation for preperation to become a black belt candidate.


CSD KICKBOXING Stripe & Belt evaluation System Continued

Warriors Ages 7-up  Belt System


CSD KICKBOXING Stripe & Belt evaluation System Continued


CSD KICKBOXING Stripe & Belt evaluation System Continued

Each belt system is designed with differing age groups in mind. There comes a responsibility and maturity with every level.

Do not focus on the belt, but the journey and process of each rank.

After earning your new rank, take your old one and hang it on the wall. In time as you progress, you will see each old belt on the wall and how close you are getting to your goal. After enough time you will see how far you’ve come and how much you have left to learn and grow.


Preparation for Class

• Please come no more than 10 minutes early for class if you are already dressed in your Do Bok (uniform), and no more than 15 minutes if you need to change before class.

• No student should wear jewelry at any time, during any class. This is a safety issue.

• Please practice good hygiene. This promotes both your    health and makes the Do Jang (training floor) a more pleasant place.

o Keep your finger- and toenails clipped.

o Keep your do bok clean and in good repair

• When waiting for your class to begin, please wait in the lobby and practice Jong Suk (peaceful quiet) to be courteous of the instructors teaching and those wanting to hear the

instructors teachings.

• If you are running late and class is in session. Please wait at the edge of the mat and wait for the instructor to acknowledge you (bow), enter and line up in the back/end. When the command fix ranks is given, then take your appropriate place in line

• If you must eat before class, try to do so an hour before class time, or a small snack before class.

• Parents and spouses, remember that our relationship with your children/loved one is merely

teacher to student, and that your support is required for them to see their full potential. We

encourage you to watch your children/loved ones grow in class.

• Remember the attitude of a Future Black Belt Leader: be kind and courteous, respectful and disciplined.

• When the training floor is open for your class, but the class has not yet begun, salute the flags to enter the floor, and please remember to greet the instructor on the floor by standing at Cha ryut (attention position), making eye contact with the instructor, performing Kyung Ret (the bow).

• If the class has already started, stand ready to enter the Do Jang floor at Charyut, salute the flags, wait for the instructor to acknowledge you, and Kyung Ret/bow. The instructor will then allow you to line up behind the class so that the students already in line are not disturbed. If you would like to ensure that you are lined up in your appropriate place by seniority, please arrive before the beginning of class.

• Finally, when you begin your training, do not concentrate on what happened to you earlier in the day. Focus only on what’s happening right here, right now.

• Most importantly, have a good attitude and have fun!


What to focus on when you train

CSD KICKBOXING follows the 

Sa Heng Chal Huk “4 Life Affirmation Philosophy” 

These were observations made over time that developed not only into a form of medical diagnosis in Eastern Medicine, but a self defense philosophy as well

The 4 Life Affirmations of CSD KICKBOXING

1. Success trains &

failure complains

2. Tired Does Not Exist

3. Action Yields Results

4. You Are In Charge Of

Your Destiny


The Seven Star Philosophy

Young Gi

Courage 용 키

Chung Jik

Integrity 충 직


Discipline 존

Chi Hyeo

Wisdom 치 혀


Loyalty 우리

In Neh

Endurance 인 내


Courtesy 켸웅


3 Areas of Human Development

심 궁 Shim Gung/Mental Effort

네 궁 Neh Gung/Internal Effort

웨 궁 Weh Gung/External Effort

These three core areas are the different types of effort we put into our every day actions.

Examples of how to develop each would include:

심 궁 Shim Gung. Personal Reflection, Improved focus 

네 궁 Neh Gung. Proper Breathing during training, Higher Energy & Endurance

웨 궁 Weh Gung. Physical Curriculum, Stronger muscles & bones. Less prone to injury

*It is important to note that proper diet plays just as important a role in the development of Neh Gung as breathing does. Anything that enters your body will either positively or negatively impact you. On the next page, we will have a pictorial outline of curriculum that relates to these attributes.

To Develop Weh Gong

we practice the physical curriculum: blocks, strikes, self defense techniques, weapons & sparring. Practicing our techniques consistently will not only make us better Martial Artists, but healthier as well. A Martial Artist strives for

physical perfection of the curriculum but also realizes there is room for improvement.

As you progress a student, you will see the changes in you physically. 

Your muscles will become stronger and more efficient. Techniques that seemed nearly impossible

will become second nature to you.

Always look to improve yourself. When you promote remember there is always more to learn form your curriculum. 

Your teacher is a guide and is there to help you

realize your full potential.

To Develop Neh Gong

we practice proper

breath control. We breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. The

abdomen should expand as we breathe as  opposed to the chest expanding. This is a more

efficient way of breathing and not only improves your health, but can enhance your performance.

One set of exercises you will learn is called “Moo Pahl Dan Khum” the eight brocade breathing set. It is set of exercises designed to enhance health of a practitioner. Introduced by a Chinese general to help his soldiers stay healthy before battle, Moo Pahl Dan

Khum has incredible rejuvenation properties.

Many students whom have trained in oou studio have had breathing and other health problems (Asthma). After practicing these techniques for a period of a few months to a year, many have either stopped using their inhalers/ nebulizers, or

use them minimally.

Proper development of the Neh Gung will have profound effects not just in your

health, but in your performance as well. CSD KICKBOXING  is an art of balance, and it is important to have balance between the external functions of your bodyand the internal ones as well.

To Develop Shim Gong

Shim Gung literally translates to attitude. A proper attitude is important in Martial Arts training. An improper attitude will hinder a practitioner’s development. The Shim Gung is key to linking all aspects of your training. A good attitude will develop good habits and in turn will create good opportunities for an individual; a bad attitude will create bad habits and will prevent opportunities for an individual. So be positive, and strive to learn.

The Ki Hap   氣合

Ki Hap literally means “Energy Unification” but in its earliest

stages for a student, it’s represented by a yell or a shout. This is the yell that you hear a student add to give emphasis to a particular technique, but the beauty of the Ki Hap isn’t in how loud it is, but how connected you are to yourself.

The Ki Hap is part of your Shim Gung (mental) training. The ki hap shows how dedicated a student is to the perfection of themselves and their techniques. It is more than a yell but an expression of proper attitude. When the Ki Hap is

performed it should not be a yell from the throat but should be a deeper sound coming form the diaphragm/abdomen


Kyeung Ret/ The Bow

The bow is an important part of your training. Literally Keung Ret translates to respect ceremony. It is a form of not just respect for your training partner or teacher, but an act of humility as well. When we bow it shows that we say thank you for the experience and I look forward to what I can learn from you next time.

The bow is not exclusive to Asian Martial Arts. It is part of any martial/feudal culture. In Europe many of the knighthood would use a form of a bow or “salute” to show respect to their Maestro “Master”. This was also done to higher officials in the king’s court. This is where the term “court-esy” comes from.

The bow is a very historic action that connects a practitioner not just to their instructor, but

instructors of the past. When we bow it is a sincere action. A bow is sharp and performed quickly. The practitioner stands at attention bends at the hips at 45 degrees, pauses for a few seconds looking down, then quickly comes back standing at attention.


What to expect when you test

Shim Sa is the Korean term for judging. Depending on the level of student will determine when shim sa/testing wil happen. Testing will occur every three months on an average.

Each class you come to will cover a curriculum that you will test on later. Your progress will be marked by a tip evaluation process every couple weeks. These tips are a way for you to see where your progress is and where you may need to improve. After all your tips are earned you will become eligible for rank promotion at the next group testing.

. All evaluations must be taken in a clean uniform.

2. Stand at attention when you’re unsure what to do. If you can’t hear a command, raise your

hand and say “can you please repeat that, sir/ma’am?” Remember that anyone conducting

the evaluation wants you to look your absolute best.

3. Don’t look around the room. By looking forward you demonstrate your focus.

4. If you make a mistake, don’t worry. Just have a good attitude, Kyung Ret (bow) to

acknowledge the mistake and we’ll give you an opportunity to fix it. Everyone can get

nervous and we understand that. We want to see how you’ll perform when given the chance

to do your best.


General Terminology

Name of the Style:

Choong Shim Do/ CSD KICKBOXING – “the Way Of Balance

Leadership Titles:

Doju: Founder/ “keeper of the way”

Sa Bom: Master Instructor 4th Dan or higher

Kyo Sa: Certified instructor 1st to 3rd Dan

Jo Kyo: Apprentice 

Commands for class

Followed by these titles depending on whom is running the class:

Sun Beh Nim Keung Ret- Bow to senior student

U Dan ja Kay Keung Ret- bow to Black Belt Member

Jo Kyo Nim Kay Keung Ret- Bow to Assistant Instructor

Kyo Sa Nim Kay Keung Ret- Bow to Instructor

Sa Bom Nim Kay Keung Ret- Bow to Master Instructor

Doju Nim Kay Keung Ret- Bow To Founder



AhnYong Ha Shim Ni Ka- Korean Greeting

Ka Ham Sam Ni Da- Thank You

Chun Ma Nayo – You’re welcome

Ahnyong Hi Keh Sip Sio – Goodbye (said by Instructor)

Ahnyong Hi Ka Sip Sio – Goodbye (said by students)

Classroom Terms

Won Uichi- Line up

Chan uichi- Return to current position

Jhoon Beh – ready position

Si Jak-Begin

Baro-Return (usually return to Jhoon Beh)


Shio-at ease

Yol Jul Shio-parade at rest

Do bahk-uniform

Di- belt


Technical Terms

Ha dan-Low

Choong Dan-Middle

Sang Dan-high

Soo Do-open hand/knife hand

Jang Kwon-Palm Strike

Jung Kwon-closed fist

Kwon Do-hammer fist

Kap Kwon-Back fist

Mahk Kee-Block

Kong Kyok-Attack

Cha Gi-Kicks

Ho Sin Sul- Self defense techniques

YU Sul - Grappling

Jae Dae Ryun- Free Sparring




Popular motivational Phrases

“It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, just get back up again” – Vince

Lombardi NFL Coach

“If you want the rainbow sometimes you have to put up with the rain” – Unknown

“When you’re ready to quit, You’re closer to success”

– Chinese proverb

“If you take shortcuts, it takes you twice as long”

– Portuguese proverb

“Success is built after many failed attempts” -Unknown

“If you fight, then you have already lost; but when you do fight, fight to win, even against great


– Grandmaster Hwang Kee Founder of the Moo Duk Kwan


Thank you for joing our studio & having us be part of your journey!

See you on the Mats!

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